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Why is flossing extremely important?

Every time you visit your dentist, you know the one question he is sure to ask, “Have you been flossing regularly?” It is important to understand that brushing alone cannot clean all of the surfaces of each tooth. Each tooth has five surfaces and the toothbrush can only access three of them, so by flossing you are able to reach the areas that normal brushing cannot access.
People might think that flossing does not do anything significant. Obviously, the bacteria in your mouth are very small which the naked eye cannot see. But believe me, they are between your teeth right now. Overnight the bacteria will reproduce to create more than a million cells from the original cell! By proper flossing, you will remove 40% of the sticky bacteria or plaque from your teeth. As you can see in this real radiograph (X-ray), dental decay has developed due to lack of flossing.

For more information please visit our website:

Also under the oral hygiene tab you can find “How to Floss” video:

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