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GOT A LITTLE BUNDLE OF JOY on the way? Don’t neglect your dental care routine!

If you are pregnant, it is very important to see a dentist in a regular basis. A sudden surge in hormones particularly estrogen and progesterone can affect the oral health, and can accentuate the way that gum tissues respond to plaque. It is imperative for you to maintain dental and gum hygiene and keep your dental appointment with your dentist. Plaque accumulation causes gingivitis, which is red swollen gum and very prone to bleed. “Pregnancy Gingivitis” to some extent can affect any pregnant woman. Pre- gingivitis condition gets worse during pregnancy and if it is not resolved, can turn into periodontitis, which is more severe type of gum disease along with bone loss.

Gingivitis and baby’s health:

There is a strong link between gingivitis, low birth weight and pre-term pregnancy. High accumulation of bacteria in plaque can enter the blood through puffy tender bleeding gum and get to the placenta in uterus and stimulates the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, which can induce miscarriage.

My recommendations:

Thoroughly floss and brush your teeth particularly close to the gum line twice a day and after each meal. Eat nutrition rich in Vitamin C. Keep your dental visits to allow your hygienists and dentist to remove plaque and control gingivitis.

Dental procedures:

Such as filling cavities can be postponed to the second trimester as long as they are not dental emergencies. Elective procedures should be performed after the baby’s birth. Any X-rays should be avoided if possible.

Sam Namdarian DMD

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