Jaw therapy, also known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) therapy or temporomandibular disorder (TMD) therapy, involves the assessment and treatment of issues related to the jaw joint and surrounding structures.
Common Issues Addressed:
- TMJ Disorders: Dysfunction or pain in the temporomandibular joint.
- Bruxism: Teeth grinding or clenching, which can contribute to jaw issues.
- Malocclusion: Misalignment of the teeth or incorrect bite.
- Muscle Tension: Strain in the jaw or facial muscles.
In our office we utilize very specific technology designed to help detect, diagnose, and treat TMJ Disorders. With the help of Joint Vibration Analysis with Jaw Tracking (JVAJT), T-Scan, and Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR), we are able to accurately assess the jaw and teeth function to ensure the proper treatment is provided.
Joint Vibration Analysis with Jaw Tracking (JVAJT):
- Purpose: JVAJT is a diagnostic tool used to assess the health and function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull.
- Procedure: During JVAJT, a headset and sensors are placed near the TMJ to detect vibrations during jaw movement. This helps in evaluating the condition of the joint, identifying any irregularities or dysfunction.
Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR):
- Purpose: DTR, which stands for Disclusion Time Reduction, is a concept related to occlusion, or the way your upper and lower teeth come together.
- Procedure: DTR involves reducing the time it takes for your teeth to come apart (disclude) during jaw movement. This is done to optimize the timing and coordination of your bite, creating a more harmonious and balanced relationship between your upper and lower teeth.
The idea is to tailor the therapy to your unique situation. Our goal is to improve your jaw function, reduce any discomfort, and make sure your bite feels natural and comfortable.
The specifics will depend on what we find during the assessment. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to discuss them with us. We're here to help you find the best solution for your comfort and well-being.
Contact Us
If you are seeking more information regarding Jaw Therapy, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (559)431-1772. You can also fill out our Contact Form if you would like us to reach out to you instead.