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Fresno Smile Makeovers Now Offers Minimally Invasive Laser Treatment for Gum Disease and for Ailing Dental Implants

Sam Namdarian, DMD receives LANAP® Regenerative Specialist Certification

FRESNO, Calif., July 26, 2021 (Reposted from PRNEWSWIRE)– Dr. Sam Namdarian, one of the top cosmetic dentists in California, is the first LANAP trained dentist in Fresno, CA. Patients suffering from gum disease in Fresno and the surrounding areas now have access to the minimally invasive LANAP and LAPIP™ protocols with the PerioLase® MVP-7™ dental laser. The LANAP protocol is the only FDA-cleared laser treatment with scientific research demonstrating the ability to regenerate bone lost to gum disease without cutting or stitching of the gums. The LAPIP protocol can save dental implants that are at risk due to infections.

“At Fresno Smile Makeovers, our motto is ‘A better smile, a better you.’ When you smile, you simply feel more confident. We’re excited about adding the LANAP and LAPIP protocols because they offer a way to treat periodontal disease and keep everything you love about your smile,” states Sam Namdarian, DMD of Fresno Smile Makeovers located in Fresno, CA. “By treating gum disease with the LANAP protocol, we can offer patients a comfortable, laser-based surgery that saves your teeth and beautiful smile line without the pain or fear of traditional treatment.”

Gum disease is as an infection of the tissues that support the teeth, and impacts up to 85% of adult Americans. In the beginning states, gums may be red, swollen, and bleed easily. If the condition worsens, gums and bone that support the teeth can become seriously damaged and the teeth can become loose, fall out, or have to be removed.

Gum disease has been linked to serious systemic diseases including stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and certain cancers. Recent research has shown that every tooth lost to gum disease increases the risk of cognitive decline.

Gum disease around dental implants may cause many of the same issues as gum disease around natural teeth. Patients may see red gums at first. Puss and loose dental implants are a sign of more serious infection called peri-implantitis.

“If a patient has an infection around the dental implant, LAPIP treatment can help save the implant,” states Dr. Namdarian. “Similar to LANAP treatment around natural teeth, LAPIP treatment uses the PerioLase dental laser to kill the bacteria causing the infection without pain.”

The LAPIP protocol can be performed the same day as diagnosis, saving patients from lengthy invasive surgeries.

Schedule an appointment to discuss your options for treating gum disease around teeth or dental implants at Fresno Smile Makeovers by calling 559-431-1772 or fill out our contact form



Dr. Namdarian attended University of California, Santa Cruz where he received his B.S. degree in Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology. Dr. Namdarian attended Boston University Goldman School of Dental medicine and graduated with a D.M.D. degree in 2005. After graduation he completed a two year post-doctoral residency program at University Medical Center, Fresno where he served as Chief Resident.

Dr. Namdarian, is a member of the Frontier Institute (formerly California Center for Advanced Dental Studies) where he now serves as clinical instructor to Dentists attending their cosmetic courses. Dr. Namdarian achieved post-graduate certification from UCLA Dental School and he is a member of numerous professional organizations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), American Academy of Clear Aligners (AACA), Academy of General Dentistry, American Dental Association, California Dental Association and the Fresno Madera Dental Society. ###