Welcome to Fresno Smile Makeovers

Opening Hours : Mon to Thur: 8am - 5pm, Fri: 7:30 - 5pm
  Contact : 559-431-1772

Bonded Fillings

Bonded Fillings at Fresno Smile Makeovers | White, Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings

Natural-Looking, Tooth Coloured Composite Restorations

If the need arises for a dental treatment requiring dental fillings and unattractive metal fillings do not offer an acceptable option, we’d like to let you know that, due to improvements in the field of dentistry since metal fillings were first introduced, we have reached an era that enables us to provide unnoticeable fillings.
Fresno Smile Makeovers utilizes durable composite resins that blend in almost flawlessly with your surrounding teeth! Composite fillings are tooth colored and help to restore teeth that are decayed, cracked or damaged in some way. 

The damaged portion of your natural tooth is removed and refilled with composite filling. Since composite fillings are matched to your teeth’s natural shade, they are aesthetically pleasing.
It’s not uncommon to have sensitivity to hot and cold foods right after your filling is placed. However, this is only temporary and will subside as your tooth gets used to the filling. 

Composites are semi-permanent and may need to be eventually replaced. However, they are extremely durable and can last for a long time. Having good oral hygiene and eating habits will add to your filling’s life-span.

We are also happy to advise you that composite fillings take no more than one appointment to apply— Saving precious time while improving your smile’s health and beauty!

To discover all our filling options, contact our office today. 

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